Addtional Content on Server "Floobydust"
"Floobydust" is a contemporary term derived from archaic Latin miscellaneus, whose disputed history
probably springs from Greek origins (influenced, of course, by Egyptian linguists) -- meaning here "a mixed bag."
— National Semiconductor Corporation, Audio Handbook, 1976
In the December 23, 2002 issue of Electronic Design, Bob Pease of National Semiconductor answers a reader question
concerning the origin of the term floobydust:
I think the definition goes ALL THE WAY BACK to— 1975. Not much Greek or Egyptian influence. The guys who coined it
were Dennis Bohn and maybe Tim Isbell, and a customer and his daughter; names mercifully forgotten... The "dictionary"
on the web tells you this origin of the term was a minibook written by Dennis Bohn. So, we can't stop him from spreading
his own definiton and origin story! But it was the name of Chapter 6 in NSC's 1976 Audio-Radio Handbook, and we all
agree it means "miscellaneous." —RAP
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