Globe Icon
Allows the selection of one of five supported languages
- Deutsch
- English
- French
- Slavic
- Chinese
Project Dropdown
Here you can find the options to save your work and open a previously saved work.
- New - Creates a new project
- Save Blocks to your Computer - Saves a BlocksCAD XML file
- Load Blocks from your Computer - Loads a BlocksCAD XML file
- Import Blocks into Current Project - Adds BlocksCAD XML to current project
- Import STL into Current Project - Adds STL objects to the workspace
- Save OpenSCAD code to your Computer - Creates a file that can be used with OpenSCAD
Options Dropdown
Allows the selection page preferences
- Simple Toolbox - Reduces available blocks to 3D Shapes, Transforms, Set Ops, Math, Variables & Modules.
- Block Color Scheme - Select Classic or Pale
Help Dropdown
Access to documentation and information about BlocksCAD.
- Documentation - You are already here.
- About - Shows Version and Links to Addtional Information
Examples Dropdown
Lists nine different BlocksCAD examples
Get Started Button
Links to a YouTube Video Tutorial